ChemiX - 化学仿真引擎

ChemiX - 化学仿真引擎

ChemiX is a chemistry experiment simulation engine, aiming to support realtime simulation of chemical reactions and display various kinds of visual effects based on the reaction.


In chemistry, and natural sciences in general, experimental and laboratory work is one of the most effective methods for acquiring knowledge. Students can have a more intuitive and thorough understanding of subject knowledge through various well-designed experiments. However, traditional physical laboratories have several limitations, such as high maintenance costs, limited resources, and potential safety issues. Therefore, we try to take advantage of computer simulation technology to enable users to engage in chemistry experiments in a more convenient and efficient way in the virtual world.

First, we present the design and implementation of ChemiX, a general and efficient chemistry experiment simulation engine. A highly scalable database is implemented for inputting and storing information about chemical substances and chemical reactions. We also proposed a general and efficient method to calculate the reaction rate based on the principle of chemical kinetics, which supports the unified simulation of common chemical reactions in our system.

Second, we developed ChemiX Lab, a virtual chemistry lab based on our simulation engine. We implemented a user-friendly interface and powerful simulation features such as event-based process guidance and automated demonstration. Our system has great simulation capabilities while preserving high performance and scalability, and can be applied in many fields such as chemistry experiment simulation and teaching tool.

Finally, our system provides well-designed interfaces and powerful simulation features, making it effortless to extend. Other developer can easily build their own virtual chemistry lab based on our system by adding scenes, experiments, or focusing on improving certain feature such as interaction and rendering.


  • Demonstration


  • Overall architecture


  • Basic user interface


  • Database Configuration


# Unity  C#  仿真 


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