
C++中内存管理是一件比较麻烦的事情,因为需要手动进行内存的分配和释放,很容易出现内存泄漏的问题。在C++ 11的标准制定过程中,Bjarne Stroustrup(C++之父)觉得Java的内存管理比较好,想要参考Java的方法进行改进...

Nova - 星际遨游

Nova is a solar system simulator build with C++ and OpenGL. Various types of objects are simulated in this program, such as Skybox, Sun(Lightsource), Planets, Asteroids(Particle Effects), and spaceship.

Visionary - 图像处理软件

Visionary is a software for image processing build with C++ and Qt Framework.
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