ChemiX - 化学仿真引擎

ChemiX is a chemistry experiment simulation engine, aiming to support realtime simulation of chemical reactions and display various kinds of visual effects based on the reaction.

Vincents' Dream - 解谜游戏

Vincent's Dream is a puzzle game about dream and redemption. In this game, you are going to help Vincent Van Gogh to accomplish his dreams about travling to Japan.

Nova - 星际遨游

Nova is a solar system simulator build with C++ and OpenGL. Various types of objects are simulated in this program, such as Skybox, Sun(Lightsource), Planets, Asteroids(Particle Effects), and spaceship.

Visionary - 图像处理软件

Visionary is a software for image processing build with C++ and Qt Framework.

Linkode - 艺术交流网站

A website build for artist to share their works and find a job.
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